Early this year a lot of bloggers were discussing and trying BlogRush, a network that might draw traffic to your blog. BFN (Blogging For Novice) has added the BlogRush widget at the right sidebar. Base on the statistic, not all posts from BFN attracts readers. To bring BFN’s traffic to another level, I have decided to add the EntreCard widget here.

EntreCard is really a great tool to generate traffic and also a chance to gain potential readers. Other than that, through the EntreCard network, you can find out more blogs that share the same interest. I have found several nice blogs via the EntreCard network.

What is an Entrecard?

Entrecard is your business card 2.0. It’s a 125×125 image which represents you and your blog. Its part advertisement, part business card. It comes with a widget you place on your blog, so that others can leave their Entrecard for you. You can also use Entrecard to promote your blog and launch free advertising campaigns. [directly quoted from EntreCard]

Requirements to join EntreCard:

  • Must be blog owner.
  • Blog must be written in English.
  • Not a spam blog.

Before joining EntreCard, make sure your blog is qualified by following a list of new EntreCard Blog Quality Standards:

  1. No nudity:Entrecard, and its members blogs, are generally family friendly. Blogs with images containing nudity are not permitted. This includes nudity in advertisements.
  2. English only: Until we develop the infrastructure necessary to facilitate non-English language blogs, English is the only language allowed in Entrecard.
  3. Minimum 5 posts: Blogs with no posts, or less than 5 posts, will be removed.
  4. Content must be original: Unoriginal content provides no value to the reader. A site that consists only of posts from “free article” sites, copies of articles from news sites, stolen or scraped content is not allowed.
  5. No full-screen ads: Blogs that include a “Skip This Ad” popup or other full-screen ads will be removed.
  6. No illegal file downloads: Blogs that link to illegally shared files, such as music, movies or software, will be removed. By “illegal” we mean content that you do not have the right to distribute. Linking to free, legal music and software is permitted.
  7. Entrecard widget must be present: Including the widget on your site is a requirement if you wish to participate in Entrecard.
  8. No redirects: Sites that use a redirect (such as tinyurl links) as the URL on their account will be deleted.
  9. No duplicate accounts: If you have more than one account for the same blog, the duplicate account will be deleted.
  10. URLs must be valid: Sites with URLs that do not work or are wrongly typed will be deleted.
  11. No autoplaying audio: This includes music that plays automatically when you visit the page, or short audio ads that come up unannounced.
  12. Content must be recent: Sites that have not been updated in six months will be removed.

Also remember to check out the FAQ.

My Two Cents

The emerge of EntreCard has drawn to a question: Can you really gain loyal readership or EC members just come and drop their cards?

Base on my own experience (from my personal blog), some EC droppers really spend some time reading your blog content, and most of them just come-and-drop visitors, in order to earn the EC credits. I’m going to monitor the traffic brought by EntreCard to BFN. Welcome all EC members to drop your EC cards here, and for this blog, I will be slightly “picky” for free EentreCard ads requests. I will only approve blogs with the same niche or similar / related niche.





By Lax on Sep 28, 2008

Good to know yar..seeing this EC in so many blogs but i never tried it..

Need to read again and enter into this EC center :)

Good post..keep rocking.


By WIlliam on Jun 14, 2012

I will try these tips to boost my traffic to new level. My website has good rank in SE but no traffic. So I am searching for the ideas to get good traffic.

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